Should Herod’s tomb be rebuilt?

The Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the Gush Etizion Regional Council has announced plans to rebuild the tomb of Herod the Great at the Herodium.

An article published Sunday in Ha’aretz describes the plan:

The plan, which is being promoted by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the Gush Etzion Regional Council, includes building a lavish mausoleum in its original size out of light plastic material, and turning it into a visitor’s center. The plan is the first of its kind in the realm of Israeli archeological digs, as most sites consist of either miniaturized or renovated historical sites that use the original materials found at the site.

Miniature model of Tomb of Herod. Photo: Israel Nature and Parks Authority.

Miniature model of Tomb of Herod. Photo: Israel Nature & Parks Authority.

One archaeologist, who wished to remain anonymous, said,

“It’s crazy — Archaeology is not Disneyland, you don’t take an archeological site and make a joke out of it.”

The entire article may be read here.

We have called attention to the Herodium and the work of the late Ehud Netzer numerous times. Just use the search box to location the posts.

HT: Joseph I. Lauer

3 responses to “Should Herod’s tomb be rebuilt?

  1. Pingback: Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus – Index of articles | Ferrell's Travel Blog

  2. Pingback: Index of articles on Bethlehem and the Birth of Jesus | Ferrell's Travel Blog

  3. Nice post. Its very useful and helpful for us. Great place.

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